Office Hours

10am - 6pm (Friday Off)


consultation counseling


In our recent counseling session, the client courageously opened up about their overwhelming anxiety and self-esteem challenges. Together, we explored the root causes and introduced practical techniques for healing. The client left with newfound hope and determination, ready to confront their emotional struggles and work towards a brighter future.

The course selection process involved reviewing available courses, considering academic goals and interests, and seeking guidance from academic advisors. After careful consideration, a balanced mix of core requirements and elective courses was chosen to ensure a well-rounded education and alignment with career aspirations.

Course Selection

University Selection

University selection involved thorough research, considering factors like academic programs, location, reputation, and financial feasibility. After evaluating various options and visiting campuses, a university was chosen that aligns with educational and personal goals, offering a promising environment for growth and success.

Received offers and admissions from multiple universities. Carefully reviewed each offer, considering factors like program quality, financial aid, and location. Ultimately, accepted admission to the university that best aligns with academic and career aspirations, excited for the educational journey ahead.

Offers & Admissions in Universities

Visa Assistance

Navigated the visa assistance process with thorough documentation, adherence to immigration requirements, and support from the chosen university’s international office. Secured the necessary visa, ensuring a smooth transition to studying abroad and fulfilling the dream of pursuing higher education in a new country.

Successfully secured scholarships through diligent research, application, and collaboration with university financial aid offices. These scholarships will significantly alleviate the financial burden of tuition and living expenses, enabling a focus on academic pursuits and future career goals. Grateful for the opportunity and support.

Scholarship Assistance

Study Abroad Loan Assistance

Navigated the study abroad loan process, working closely with financial institutions to secure necessary funding. These loans will facilitate pursuing education abroad, covering tuition, living expenses, and other related costs. Grateful for the financial support, allowing for an enriching academic and cultural experience overseas.

Engaged in comprehensive pre-departure and post-arrival services provided by the university and support organizations. Received guidance on travel logistics, accommodation, and cultural orientation before departure. After arrival, received assistance with settling in, understanding academic systems, and integrating into the new environment, ensuring a smooth transition into the study abroad experience.

Pre Departure and Post Arrival Services

Airport Assistance

Received essential airport assistance services upon arrival, including transportation to the university or accommodation, guidance on immigration procedures, and orientation about the local area. This support eased the initial challenges of arriving in a new country, ensuring a safe and welcoming start to the study abroad journey.

Utilized accommodation services provided by the university, securing safe and suitable housing options near campus. These services included assistance with application, room assignment, and resolving housing-related issues. The accommodation ensured a comfortable and convenient living environment, supporting a successful academic experience while studying abroad.

Accommodation Services

Psychometric testing

Engaged in psychometric testing to assess cognitive abilities, personality traits, and aptitudes. These tests provided valuable insights for career planning and personal development. The results guided decisions about academic and professional paths, helping align interests and skills with suitable opportunities for growth and success.

Enrolled in coaching classes to prepare for entrance exams. These classes offered structured study plans, expert guidance, and practice tests to enhance performance. The rigorous preparation equipped me with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in the exams, opening doors to desired educational and career opportunities.

Entrance Exams- Coaching Classes

English language classes

Participated in English language classes to improve proficiency. These classes focused on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and communication skills. They provided a solid foundation for effective written and spoken English, enhancing overall language competence for academic and professional success.

Completed registration for entrance and English proficiency tests. Carefully submitted required documents, paid fees, and adhered to deadlines. This process ensured eligibility for the desired educational institutions and programs, as well as the ability to demonstrate English language proficiency for academic and visa requirements.

Registration for Entrance and English tests

Immigration assistance

Engaged in immigration assistance services to facilitate the visa application process. Received guidance on required documentation, forms, and interview preparation. This support ensured compliance with immigration regulations, streamlining the process and increasing the likelihood of a successful visa approval for studying abroad.

Navigated the process of obtaining overseas work permits. This involved submitting applications, providing necessary documentation, and adhering to immigration regulations. The permits granted legal authorization to work in a foreign country, enabling international work experiences and career development opportunities.

Overseas Work permits


Jain University

Chandigarh University

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology

DIT University

Bachelor of Pharmacy in DIT University


Study In China Pharmaceutical University

Study In Dalian Medical University

Study In Fujian Medical University

Study In Jinzhou Medical University

Study In Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology


City University

Inti University

Study In Putra University

Study In Segi University

Study In The Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation