Under the overall supervision of Rakhi Bhattacharya, Director Swami Vivekananda says that when people say their education is over, they are actually about to die! We have to learn something constantly in our life and those who give this education are teachers.Principals, Vice-Principals, and teaching staff from 50 public and private colleges and polytechnic institutes in Chittagong were honored with the Crest and Northern awards at the Shiksha Ratna Samman 2023 ceremony. The prestigious event took place at Hotel Peninsula, Chittagong, and was organized by Kingston Education Institute in collaboration with World EducationBD and Indian Higher Education Research. The ceremony also included Teacher Exchange and Job Placement Exchange meetings, addressing various aspects of education.of Kingston Educational Institute, the program was successfully concluded with the sincere wishes of Uma Bhattacharya, the Head of the University.On behalf of World Education BD, I would like to express my gratitude to the principals, vice-principals, and teaching staff of all colleges, as well as online media, for their sincere cooperation. Finally, special thanks to the Kingston Education Institute family for their decision to organize such a beautiful program, reflecting their love and respect for teachers.